I. Kirpal Singh and the Unity of Man Conference
Kirpal Singh came for the whole mankind to reveal to the people the God-Power which manifests through the principles of Light and Sound as practical experience. The term Unity of Man refers to the Inner Unity of all life.
Kirpal Singh wrote:
It would be prudent to clarify that the campaign of Unity of Man has to be carried out above the level of religions without in any way affecting any religious or social orders. It has to obtain in practice the blessings and support of all those who believe in the Gospel of Unity of Man, and could give it strength by taking this Gospel to every human heart around them and convincing them of the need of its acceptance in daily life. It will neither be tagged with Ruhani Satsang nor with any other similar organisation. The enthusiasm of its admirers will be the real force working behind the campaign.
Moreover Kirpal Singh made the following statement on the Unity of Man Conference:
So what I say to you is nothing new. I would request all of you to spread it, all that you have heard here, wherever you go. Proclaim it from the house-tops that there may be peace and happiness on earth. So I pray to God and you pray with me that He grant us His special Grace and provides for us to have first-hand experience of Reality. The ideal before us is this:
That we are all One!
Kirpal Singh
When you sing acknowledgements over that, what another one has seen, then one can, pardon me, compare this undertaking to the attempt of picking breadcrumps from another one’s empty plate. Deserve something by yourself. Do not carry the picture of another one’s Beloved in your heart. Do you want to hurt him? Have your own Beloved, and go back to God yourself. When you drink of the nectar of life to the fullest, also those around you will be intoxicated by that.
Kirpal Singh