II. Kirpal Singh and the Aim of Unity of Man
The Masters regard the whole mankind as a procession of God.
Again and again Kirpal Singh explained to the people and His disciples the sin of separateness. In a beautiful passage Guru Nanak Sahib declared:
Numberless are Thy worshippers and numberless Thy lovers, numberless Thy Bhaktas and Saints, Who lovingly fix Their thoughts on Thee. Numberless the musical instruments and the sound thereof and so are Thy musicians.
Since the physical departure of Kirpal Singh on 21st August 1974 organisations, groups as well as false prophets and masters thwart the seeker after Truth – who wants to earnestly follow the way of Unity of all life and hence the way of all Saints, the Sant Mat – with acquired partial knowledge and regrettably keep him from realising his aim as man. Suchlike behavious is not the world changing aim of the
Unity of Man Conference,
which is desired by Kirpal Singh.
To know something or to declare oneself to be something is not to be something!