II. Kirpal Singh und das Ziel der Unity of Man
Since His early youth, Kirpal Singh has been confronted with nationalism, religious intolerance, and bigotry. He concerned Himself intensely with the fundamental remedy for the disunity that over and over aigain leads to violent conflicts. After a profound study of the basic scriptures of the Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Moslems, Zoroastrians etc., He found that they all witness the same Basic Truth – the birthright of man to attain self-knowledge and God-Knowledge.
At the feet of His Master Baba Sawan Singh He experienced practically what is described in the scriptures. He dedicated His life to the ideal of Unity – the brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God.
Before Kirpal Singh met His Master physically, He met Him within seven years before and already enjoyed His presence, guidance and protection during this time.
In this regard Kirpal Singh said:
I thought it was Guru Nanak.
Due to His universal view He could create mutual understanding among the different religions. In 1957 Kirpal Singh was elected as President of the World Fellowship of Religions. He officiated for 14 years.
On His three world tours in 1955, 1963 and 1972 He visited many countries and met there religious leaders, politicians, and personalities of public life.
Everywhere He conveyed the importance of self-knowledge and God-Knowledge and emphasised the need of selfless service to others.
His endeavours for understanding amongst the people, for peace in the world and tolerance amongst the religions have been acknowledged through numerous tributes from all sides.
In February 1974 He convoked the first World Conference on Unity of Man which took place in New Delhi, India from 3rd to 6th February 1974. With this World Conference took and even today takes a seat the impulse, the realisation of the existing Unity of Man in the hearts of the former participants as well as in those people who hear of it in this day and age and in His disciples.
More than 150,000 people have been practically connected with Naam, the Holy Word, by Kirpal Singh. The way of the Saints, the Sant Mat, is the birthright for all people. Even today everyone can get this contact with Naam through the Grace of the One God and the God working through our Master Kirpal Singh.
So whoever believes in the Gospel of the still existing Unity of Man may ask for initiation!
Closing words:
It can be said to all people: Please live this Unity that exists since the beginning but has been forgotten with all your strength. The result will be that God shows Himself!1 Now it is time to draw the Water of Life from the overflowing well that waters the desert in our hearts.
Moreover all the dear ones, brothers and sisters in the whole world who already are disciples of Kirpal Singh may come to the insight that only the regular meditation leads to success not the life of impressions which take a seat in the hearts of the dear ones due to a lack of meditation to manifold themselves geometrically.
In love your Brother
May the Almighty bless all of you!
Source: Composed by the editor.
Information: 1) God reveals Himself.